The majority of rear-end accidents are minor fender benders. These accidents often happen at low speeds in places like parking lots. In a minor accident, nobody is usually injured and there is only limited damage to the vehicles involved. However, as an experienced accident lawyer, not all accidents involving a read-end collision are fender benders. Some are far more serious.
Rear-end accidents can result in serious damage to vehicles and personal injuries.
A rear-end collision is a type of traffic accident that happens when one vehicle hits the back of another one. There are many cases when a rear-end accident involves a driver hitting the back of another vehicle at near full speed. These accidents can have numerous causes, such as driver distraction, fatigue, mechanical failure or impaired driving.
If a rear-end accident happens at a high speed, significant damage to the vehicle being hit can result. The occupants of the vehicle, particularly those in the back seats, also risk potentially serious injuries. This is especially the case if a car gets rear-ended by a larger and heavier vehicle, such as a truck or commercial delivery van.
What to do if You're Involved in this Type of Accident
If you have been injured as a result of a rear-end accident, it is important that you consult a personal injury law firm right away. Under Florida law, you only have a limited amount of time to take legal action against a driver that has caused you to suffer a loss as a result of a traffic accident.
Zigler Law can help by offering you a free consultation during which your case will be evaluated. They can give you advice on whether you will be able to obtain compensation for your injuries and material damage. If another driver has rear-ended you, they may be responsible for covering the costs of your medical bills, time off work and damage to your vehicle.
Zigler Law will be able to negotiate a fair settlement for you or take the case to trial if necessary. Having an experienced lawyer at your side is a great way of ensuring that your legal rights will be respected.